Friday, June 29, 2012

2. Learn the Free Willy Tune on the Harmonica

*Cue inspirational music*

Ah Yes, that classic little diddy of a boy and a whale!  I mean, come on, and look at this

That’s probably the coolest whale in all of history. If you haven’t seen this movie…seriously… get a childhood. Or go on YouTube and watch the whole thing…or just buy it.. Totally worth any price!

So you know when Jesse, the original bad misunderstood kid finds Willy? He plays a tune on the harmonica and poof! Willy comes up for air. So Jesse runs, slips, and FALLS INTO THE TANK OF A KILLER WHALE! While in real life this kid would die, this is a family movie. So a large killer whale instead lifts jesse out of the water, saving his life, and making kids everywhere jealous. A lifetime friendship is born and they save each other time and again.

But back to this tune…  it sets the whole tone of the movie. Jesse plays it when he needs Willy or he is feeling down, and throughout the whole movie there are variations of it culminating in the epic scene shown above.

Have a listen..
It was so hard to find the clip but the first 25 seconds on the piano are what Jesse plays.

And I love it. I don’t know what it is about the song but I’ve loved it ever since I saw this movie.
Because of my love/obsession, I tend to buy a harmonica wherever I go. I also really like the boxes they come in. The older the better.

Well I have at least 5 harmonicas now. I used to have more, but it was ridiculous. I had never learned how to play…
Until now!
I recently bought a harmonica that has numbers on it. Now listen I am not musically inclined at all. So I don’t know major notes or if it’s a C harmonica. (But I mean I do know because it says so on it…but if it didn’t, I wouldn’t, you get what I’m trying to say.)

I keep trying, but I’ve not yet mastered the harmonica playing ability. But I will.

Stick with me,


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